October 15, 2009 journal, health insurance companies are the death panels blackmailing America. Keith Olberman on MSNBC spent the entire hour talking about how ridiculous the health industry has become. He met up with his schoolmate in the hospital who had a daughter with limes disease and he is having to sell his farm & stamp collection to pay for hospital bills. Keith was passionate in saying what I have said to cover everybody under Medicare. 50 million American seniors and disabled are covered by Medicare already so why not extend it to everyone which would be easy? But they got to keep those lucrative health-insurance companies going by giving them another $500 billion per year for health coverage allowing them to continue to choose who they cover for what and not pay off. How can this corrupt system survive any longer milking the taxpayers for all their worth? The Constitution says they cannot force you to buy health insurance or any insurance for that matter meaning they cannot force one to buy car insurance either but they do not obey the constitution in the courts. Massachusetts now has a court battle over this issue so why should the federal dumbbell Congress pass a law of mandatory health insurance? I am sick of rush legislation, put the medical reform bill on hold until next year. I see where dear-old Best Buy has a class-action lawsuit against them in California on warranty insurance graciously supplied to them by the mysterious AIG for you to pay. I received a notice because I purchased a camera from Best Buy in California with an insurance policy that covered the camera for anything that could happen to it for 2 years. Something did happen to it but the insurance would not pay and Soni camera company wanted to charge me more for the repair than the camera cost originally. I left the camera with them and since then they started to having people sign a release when they take their camera in for repair saying they would pay even if they had insurance. Another thing they got the idea probably from this case was to sell insurance for a camera even if you run over it with your car or your truck or your bulldozer and it was left only in strings. There may be a provision for debt reduction in the U.S. Economic Stimulus Act. Stimulus is being offered to settle your credit card bills but so many are profiteering on the public until you do not know who to deal with other than the government directly. The cost of jobs under the stimulus program is reported to cost from 75,000 to $500,000 each with the $500,000 jobs in New York City. That does not make much sense to pay but then it's not real money, it is just paper or a figure on bank accounts. When BMW was bought into South Carolina state & federal funds came to at least $1 billion so that's about the same cost per job. In Alabama Mercedes-Benz had their employees to pay for plant. BMW has never paid a dime taxes to state or federal governments in all those 17 years. Will they soon vaccinate everybody moving on the highways in America? New York State had to back off the nurses requiring them to take flu shots because it is wrong to mandate medicine. Man-made flu shot for man-made flu is for corporate profit. I write because I want the people to know and understand what the problems are in USA. Wall Street bankers still behaving like renegades planning to build a shameful bonuses to their employees while the nation goes to hell economically. They will be back for another bailout but there will be nothing to do it with as taxpayers the become more restless about their crime. The slide began under Reagan and worsened under Clinton but the ultimate was under B*us*h not prosecuted Wall Street crime and even encouraging yet far worse. Michaels movie illustrated so much that has happened putting it in the proper light what really happened calling the grabbing of the bailout deal as a financial coup de taunt. He filmed it a convoy of police cars coming to we victory family from their home breaking down the door. Another Midwest farmer family where in the sheriff showed up with his posse only hours after the court dropped the gavel. The farmer said he thought he had 30 days. The shame of eviction and loss of family farms or homes is a disgrace. Almost cried when I saw the priest administering sacrament to those hold up in the door factory. Now coming to light is the secret meeting in Moscow of Hank Paulson & GoldmanSacks. What in tarnation could be an excuse for such a meeting of USA highest financial freaks? News now of the state running out of on important funds leaving the people in dire need. Can The Wall Street freaks not see the storm coming when a 30 year-old full qualified cannot get a job even as a Wal-Mart greeter at minimum-wage in the harvest of workers? The banks are not loaning & credit cards are not spending as nation desperation worsens. Woe unto you rich people The book Knockout written by a lady misdiagnosed as having cancer but refused chemo. It turns out the lady did not have any cancer even though she was diagnosed by 4 doctors. She describes cancer treatments as a 2 billion dollars per year business therefore one may wonder if they diagnose cancer so they can get a kick back by treating cancer with chemo. October 18, 2009 journal, the great homecoming to the parents table for food and shelter. It's been a year since son and daughter lost their job so now they're halftime is depleted so they are returning home by the thousands with their families to double up to make living. saw Carolina after receiving an emergency infusion of $300 million from the Fed now are unable to pay extended haft time to unemployed leaving them hopeless for a cold winter. CBS 60 Minutes will air update on a man treating himself for leukemia with radio waves which he developed. During a setback he took chemotherapy & died, his doctor described it as death from toxic poisoning from the chemotherapy and vowed to continue his study. Senator Arlen Specter says the Republicans are obstructionists after recently leaving the party. The Washington Post reported only 20 % of voters answer to Republican now. The sheriff in Colorado is grandstanding over the helium balloon flying saucer incident as I see it he has just indicated the hoax by prejudicing any potential jury trial in case of any charges filed. He even stated to the press that he thought the ACLU was going to take their case. How is this for meddling in their defense. I liked to see their flying saucer. I would like to give them 20 bucks to help further develop it. It was wrong to influence the boys to lie even though the press, the Congress and the government lies as a profession. October 16, 2009 journal, NBC interviews Dan Brown on his new book secret symbols in Washington D.C. entitled Secrets of the Lost Symbol frightening history of Mason rituals and scrambled letters similar to Bible code showing active generators like Vander grafts. Dan Brown in his book on secrets of the lost symbol exposes the Masonic Order and Washington's Roman imagery. The magic sacred number 33 and murder for the cause. NBC spent one hour tonight showing the secrets of Temple Lodge where non-Mason's have never trod. They showed the all seeing eye on the dollar bill and put on it a reverse pyramid creating the Star of David. Everything was numbered and NBC was allowed behind the scenes to reveal lots about freemasonry in the interview with Dan Brown the author of the de Vinci Code. His new book Secrets of the Lost Symbol, a novel, will reveal the architects of masonic Washington D.C. and many signers of the Declaration of Independence as being Masons. They showed George Washington with a Masonic apron laying the cornerstone of the capitol building. They claim it goes back to the building of Solomon's Temple. Much of it is taken from the book Secret Mysteries of the ages. I say that the Masonic code makes the difference between the rich and the poor in this country. It may also make the difference between heaven & hell regardless of what religion one is. They say Gerald Ford was a master Mason and the only one they mentioned as being the president although I believe every president is a member of some secret order in my time. The transcript link below to the NBC interview with Dan Brown about Masonic symbols. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33280724/ns/dateline_nbc-newsmakers/page/6/ Well you don't need to look for hours just search for Dan Brown Secrets of the Lost Symbol. Why are the Mason's revealing themselves now drinking wine representing blood out of a human skull? Are they fawning it and boasting of the power they have? http://doubleday.knopfdoubleday.com/2009/10/08/secrets-of-the-lost-symbol-on-nbc/ There is a groundswell of information and they showed an earlier statute of Pres. George Washington installed in the capitol building as a God for a period of time then removed. They have light or electric generation stations placed all-around Washington kind of like Vander Graf generating machines being masters of illumination as their Illuminati light. Tomorrow I will print the text of the interview from NBC October 16 on freemasonry. I finally had a chance to see the Michael Moore movie on Capitolism and it is truly a information masterpiece of history of the making of America through the labor force. I suggest every person in America see this movie and ignore Fox News bad mouthing it. It shows how corporate greed has sucked all the blood out of America, the economy. They played so many excerps of the movie with Michael Moore backing a Brinks truck up to bank's doors asking for the money back from the bailout until one may think that's all there was in the movie. This movie is well researched and accurate in consideration of the working public and average people. Michael Moore is certainly for the poor working class people. One bailout bank issued a memo calling them dead peasants in the case of their insuring the lives of their employees and collecting in many cases without the family knowing. He documented one case where a bank collected $5 million on a 40 year-old man, yet never paid a cent to the widow or her children. Wal-Mart does the same thing. The movie takes in history back to almost a 100 years and gives a true unbiased report on how the workers have been shafted until no Detroit is a waste land. Miami is a wasteland. In one sense it showed politically how the workers were maneuvered and jobs lost for profit then came the Wall Street derivatives trading in nothing bringing on a 2008 crash. the movie shows how that after nine1one Wall Street went out of control in the corrupt trading. It shows the bailout as the biggest bank robbery of all with Hank Paulson the biggest robber. The movie was not at all kind to the Democrats voting for this bailout disaster and reward for Wall Street or the new secretary of the Treasury Gaithner who failed in everything. Finally Michael taped off the Chase Bank with crime tape and used a bullhorn to ask the people upstairs in the bank to come down and surrender. It may be too late because not a dozen people were in the theater among all of the empty buildings. It showed how Ron Reagan was maneuvered and told to hurry up by Wall Street bankers. Finally Michael Moore said he refuses to live in a country like this but he is not moving. An actual scene in Miami where neighbors put a family in an empty house and the police came but walked away while the banker agent stood there helpless. A door manufacturer in Chicago was uprooted by Bank of America and 300 employees locked themselves in-side until the Bank of America relented and paid them all off at $6,000 per each person. This is not a rare nerve disease because it happens all the time after flu shots but the news is suppressed for profit for the pharmaceutical maker's and of course those in Congress. "A nurse was stricken with a rare nerve disorder that can cause paralysis two weeks after receiving a seasonal flu shot, the New York State Health Department confirmed this case Wednesday. The unidentified female nurse has been diagnosed with Gillan-Barre Syndrome and has been hospitalized at North Shore University Hospital on Long Island since September 14th, the department said. Michelle Pinto, a spokeswoman for the North Shore-LIJ Heath System, said "we do have a patient at North Shore University Hospital with Guillain Barre syndrome. The cause of the Guillain Barre is inconclusive". Chances are there will be no media coverage of this result of the dangerous flu shot, there never is. Congress is definitely bought off by the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in campaign fund. If you wonder why America is failing then study the symbols of the list of power below. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33280724/ns/dateline_nbc-newsmakers/page/6/